for September 2014
Edition for Firefighter Readers
recently been looking......
our business model, in particular our reason for
being in business and for what purpose. After
looking at all the alternatives, we think Ben
Franklin had the best approach. Each day, in the
morning, he prayed to be helped to do something good
that day. In the evening prayer he asked if he had
been successful in his goal or if there was
something he could have done to better accomplish
his objective.
Franklin's approach, we have concluded that on line
selling through web stores has advantages for the
seller, and in many cases to the consumer, but not
always best. The downside is that interaction with
live people, personalized service, and the ability to
solve problems for the consumer is lost. That
diminishes the ability to do our best for those we
serve. That is why we are returning to a more personal
way of doing business. Our new web page for fire
departments reflects our goal of making shopping with
us easy, friendly, informative, and affordable.
new firefighters web page address is http//
Check it out. We think you'll like the new simple
format. If you have questions, call us toll free at
800.489.2611, or email to
If you would like a visit to discuss particular
needs, give us a call. We'll come to you! In the
meantime, we have provided a recap of some of the
recent news items discussed on our Blog.
We welcome our new readers, and give thanks for the
loyalty of our older readers. If you are receiving
our eNewsletter for the first time, we want you to
know that this is a courtesy copy to those who have
expressed an interest and/or purchased from us in
the last month. If you don't wish to receive future
eNewsletters, just click on the UnSubscribe button
at the bottom of the page.
Small Town America - We help make
them safer!
Some very unlikely places are
targets for armed robbery. Those places may
come as a surprise to you!
of us would think that the main targets for armed
robbery would be banks, credit unions and retail
stores. The fact is that governmental offices
(court clerks, county license & tax offices,
and utility offices may often have significant
amounts of cash on hand. Worse yet, these offices
often have no way to get help in a hurry.
there is cash, there is the potential for robbery.
The average response time for an emergency call
through a commercial security system is ten
minutes or more. The average robbery is committed
less than three minutes. Burglaries take a little
longer - around four minutes
Bill Baker did something about
crime his city
So can you! Additional information is
available by clicking here.
Or, if you would like a demonstration, just give
us a call at 205.854.2611.
FOOTBALL Time Again!
we'll be there on the field to help the Miles
College Golden Bears stay on top by staying in
College Coach Reginald Ruffin had a problem. Just a
few weeks before the first game of 2014, he found
that his sideline communications headsets had been
damaged beyond repair by a water leak in the
equipment storage area. Find out how Falcon Wireless
provided a solution using the latest in hands free
long range technology. Not only does it work
on football fields, but in manufacturing plants,
construction projects, by SWAT teams, and by fire
departments. Click here
for more information.
new look
bulky ordinary radios with rib
sticking antennas as an alternative? Meet
the new choice, weighing in at less
than 6 ounces with an incredible new low
profile antenna!
In the DMR digital mode, the PD362 can
receive text messages of up to 64 characters and
acknowledge at the push of a button! And, you're not
going to believe the price! Click here
for more information!
America's Top Value P25 Radios!
KNG Series radios by Relm Wireless are designed to
last up to 82 years!
P25 Radio Gives You The Best Value down the road? Some
would say, the Big "M". Others (like us)
would have a different answer. The fact is that
there are four considerations used to evaluate
"Value". Let's start with where the
product is made. Made in America means American
workers, paying taxes and purchasing goods and
services in the USA. Relm Wireless manufacturers
just one thing - P25 radios, and they do it in
Melbourne, FL USA! They will be here when needed
"down the road". We think that is
important! As for the other three
considerations, we think you need to answer that for
yourself - with a little help from us. Click here
for more information. Get ready for some BIG
Sheriff David A. Clarke, Jr......
of our August Attaboy Award for speaking out on the
need for community involvement and an armed
Wisconsin Sheriff David Clarke is a worthy recipient
of this months Attaboy award. Thank you Sheriff
Clarke for standing up for the right thing, even
when your own political party threw you under the
bus. Keep on keeping on Sheriff Clarke! We need more
people like you!
Sheriff Clarke advocates an armed citizenry (as
guaranteed by our Constitution) being the front
lines for defense against crime and hazards. We
agree with this position. The fact is that
traditional security systems, 911 reporting, and
centralized dispatching simply does not work in true
emergency situations. The good news is that we
have a solution that DOES work. If you are
involved in municipal government crime prevention
and control, give us a call at 800.489.2611 and ask
us about the SafeCity Program.
For more on the Sheriff Clarke story, click here.
made MURS portable UNDER $200!
Littlest, Loudest, Long Lasting, License Free ,
American Made, Affordable 2-way Radio there ever
was, is, or will be - the JMX from Falcon Direct!
Question - Of all
the frequency bands, (VHF, UHF, 700/800 MHz), which
one talks over the longest distances at the least
cost? The Answer - VHF! Of all the brands of VHF
radios available - which brands are made in the USA?
The Answer is Ritron! Of all the license free radio
services (CB, FRS, ISM, MURS), which one provides
the best portable to portable performance? The
Answer - MURS!
can we agree that license free is better than filling
out all the paperwork and paying all the costs, and
putting up with the delay to get an FCC license? With
that understanding, the final question is Why would
you not consider the Ritron JMX, priced at just $199
for your needs?
Why not
take us up on our offer to prove the JMX is your
best buy in personal communications - business or
personal. Try a pair - You'll see! More information
is available at
Better yet, just give us a call at 800.489.2611 for
the whole story
things we do for fire departments
our Samaritan Services group, we give you
alternatives to help you do your job better and save
you money.
A.C. Roper of the Birmingham Alabama Police
Department is often quoted with a comment regarding
the need, and the benefit, of picking good working
partners. It goes something like this - If
you are the smartest guy in the room, you've got a
problem. To that, we might add - If
anyone tells you there is only one solution to a
problem, you need to meet some new people.
Hopefully, that will be us!
also have a special web site with an overview of our
services at Check
it out. We hope it will provide some new and
useful ideas. Better yet, give us a call at
800.489.2611 when you have a need or a problem.
That's our job - providing simple solutions for
serious situations!
Phil Rich
At your Service!
Getting to know our Premier
Wireless, home of BK Radio, is our Premier
Partner for September offering special
products built by special people right here in the
been working with Relm Wireless, the successor to
Regency Electronics and Bendix-King Radio all the
way back to the beginning. We know the
products, and we know the people, and we are proud
to be a part of the team. Located
Melbourne, FL, Relm is known for quality, innovation,
and value. We touched on this in the article
on P25 products earlier in this eNewsletter.
more you know about Relm, the more you're going to
see the value in this outstanding American
really isn't everything. While the big guys in
software come up with multi-page documents designed to
legally insist of what you cannot do with the software
you purchased, a guy by the name of Dr. Richard Hipps
takes a contrarian position. The terms and conditions
of the SQLite software licensing agreement, developed
by Dr. Hipps, simply states - May you do good and not
evil. May
you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
May you share freely, never taking more than you give. As
for me, I want to be a little more like Dr. Hipps, and
a little less like Bill Gates. How about you?
Thanks for visiting with us. We appreciate you!
Burch Falkner and all the Falcon Team
Tell us a little about what you do and we'll tell
you how to do it better, at less cost. There
no charge or obligation.