News for
August, 2014
Special Edition
for Church Readers
special welcome.......
to our new readers,
our thanks for the loyalty of our older
readers and especially this month for our Church
readers! If you are receiving our
eNewsletter for the first time, we want you to
know that this is a courtesy copy to those who
have expressed an interest and/or purchased from
us in the last month. If you don't wish to
receive future eNewsletters, just click on the
UnSubscribe button at the bottom of the page or
click here.
Our older readers that we are a little late this
month as well as a change in our format which will
allow individual user groups to select topics of
interest applicable to their specific needs.
For example, there is very little in common
between churches and manufacturing plants, or fire
departments and golf courses. With our new format,
you can quickly scan the current topics of
interest to specific groups.
We are midway through an extensive change in what
we offer and to whom it is offered. That
process began last month with a focus on
manufacturers and products especially selected to
address the needs of those we serve. If you
didn't receive a copy of the July eNewsletter,
click here.
Our focus this month will be on churches and the
products that we offer to serve the unique needs
of these special institutions. We will begin
with the problem of church fires and how our
readers can be better prepared to protect church
Church Fire Solutions!
Summer is the peak season for church
fires. Lightning strikes peak in the
summer and so do arsonists. We don't know
why, we just have a great solution!
Within the last month,
two of our local area churches have suffered
major fire damage. One from lightning on the
east side of town and another from an arsonist
on the west side of town.
Damage was extensive. A fifteen hundred
dollar one time cost could have saved thousands
of dollars in damages. Many churches don't
have insurance. Many don't have alarm
systems (which basically don't work anyway).
Click here
to learn why.
We have a system that DOES work. Click here
for the whole story!
A Special
Message to Churches with Schools!
In our lead
article, you learned about how AlarmAlert can help
protect places and property. Now learn how
AlarmAlert can protect People!
Front office personnel,
teachers, and students are all at risk for
unexpected visits by irregular people - sometimes
armed, sometimes not, but a potential unscheduled
safety threat. By adding one or more $99
Personal Call Buttons (PCBs), working in
conjunction with the same AlarmAlert used
to detect and report fires and intrusion, you can
add instant personal emergency notification.
Initially used to make government offices safer,
this same technology is now available for use in
schools - both private and public.
Additional information is available by clicking here.
Photo courtesy of Calhoun
County Sheriffs Department
Two-way radio
for churches? You betcha!
radios are used by an increasing number of
churches for security, administrative, and
operational requirements. The question is,
how to you make the right choice?
What's the difference between a hundred and fifty
dollar radio and a five hundred dollar radio? The
answer depends on who you ask. Generally the
discussion will focus on available personal 2-way
radios. Later, the topic may change to other
types of radios like secured access
communications, fixed office communicators,
interoperability with other users (such as fire
departments and law enforcement).
Experience indicates that the majority of our
readers would like to start with a simple
explanation of what is available in personal 2-way
radios, what they cost, and how to evaluate the
features. Believe it or not, we have all
those answers on a simple two page document.
It's yours for free by clicking here.
What did you
America's aging
population has special needs. Our job is to
help you fill those needs!
As your
members get older, many of them would appreciate
the gift of hearing the service. The ALD-800
system connects directly to your sound board with
a standard phone jack to transmit the audio to
wireless receivers assigned to the hearing
impaired. With a range of 300 feet, this system
can serve the needs of both small and large
churches. Get your transmitter and four receivers
for just $345! Add additional receivers as needed.
You can order on line at our web store by clicking
Speaking of
Special Needs.....
is your church doing to address the special needs
of in-home folks in your community?
All kinds of people are at
home alone these days. Children of single parents,
the disabled, the elderly, those returning from
surgery, single moms under protective orders, and
the list goes on.
The question is what can we do together to help
them? One of our police department users
came up with a great idea which we call
NeighborNet. Your church can be a part of this
program. Additional information is available
by clicking here.
little guy needs a ParentFinder!
is a term we coined in 1990 as the name for
wireless nursery to parent silent paging when a
parent is needed in the nursery.
Over the years,
we have watched competitors and imitators come and
go. Many of them put themselves out of business by
selling too cheap, offering inferior grade
products, or trying to add special features that
were of no value to the user. Conversely.
many of the systems we provided going back to 1990
are STILL in use!
ParentFinder systems are simple,
efficient and reliable. You may be able to
find a cheaper system, maybe even a better system
at a higher cost. But if you want a system
that can silently alert parents when needed, you
need a ParentFinder system. Additional
information is available by clicking here.
things we do for churches
save you money. We protect people, places,
and property, and we respond quickly to your
changing needs.
We've been addressing the needs of churches for
close to a quarter of a decade. We have touched
upon some of our special products especially
addressing safety in this message for our church
friends. There are other products and
services that may be of interest. You can
read about them by clicking here.
We also have a special web
site for churches at
If you don't see what you need, give
me a call at 800.489.2611. I'll be looking forward
to hearing from you soon!
Candice Staggs
At your Service!
Getting to know our Premier
Ritron, Inc.
is our Premier Partner for August. Special
products built by special people in the USA!
We've been
working with Ritron, Inc. of Carmel, Indiana for a
long, long, time. Our relationship goes back
to 1978 when founder Bill Rice introduced an
efficient and affordable radio known as the Jobcom.
The company is still privately owned, with
Steve Rice, son of the founder at the helm. We
are delighted to be associated with this unique
American manufacturer. You can learn more about
Ritron products by clicking here.
Thanks for
visiting with us. We appreciate you!
Burch Falkner and all the Falcon Team
Tell us a little about what you do and we'll tell
you how to do it better, at less cost. There
no charge or obligation.